Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Ball, Fish and Easter Sunrise Services

One of the reasons I went ahead and blogged about retiring was due to the fact that I have been spending so much time with my grandbabies.  I have also seen lots of people around town during school hours, and I didn't want anyone to think I was just loafing!!  I am actually taking some accrued days and only working on testing days until the 23rd.  Let me tell you, this retirement stuff is pretty awesome so far!!  Maddie had games last Thursday and Friday nights, so I headed down to watch her play. I also kept the little ones at home on Friday.  These silly laws about children having to attend school really get in mine and Maddie's way!

Thursday night game

This one just smiles and goes with the flow!

I love watching her play!  She turned six this week, which is very hard to believe.

Lillian, Reed and I made a trip to the park on our day at home together.  I had taken Maddie's picture in this same spot when she was Lillian's age!  She is just a doll!

I didn't think she was going to be quite as adventurous as her sister at first, but I think I'm changing my mind on that!

 Hello handsome!!

Game 2

And on another note-Reed and I made a trip to try out the boat.  I am very sad to say that the trip was not successful!  However, it did make me eager to head back as soon as possible!

Papa, Reed and Caleb enjoyed an afternoon of fishing.  They had a great time and caught lots of fish.

We attended Easter Sunrise Services with Hebron United Methodist again this year.  It was held at Jeff and Lori Edwards and was simply breathtaking!!  

The beautiful cross!!  Even though we had to be across the river by 6:15, it was well worth it!!  

Next up, Easter with the family!

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